Monday, February 12, 2007

Monday Madness for Valentine's Day

Thank you all for playing Monday Madness. With Valentine's Day coming up this week, I thought I'd use questions offered by one of our very faithful MM players, rach. Thank you, Rach! Look for YOUR questions to be used in the future! Have a great week, everyone! =)

1. How do you celebrate Valentine's Day?
We are not very big on Valentine's Day, we try to celebrate our relationship all year long. We do get each other a card and occasionally a gift. We usually give our boys a little something extra just to remind them that we love them.

2. Name a special gift you received during Valentine's Day.
A pendant heart necklace from my kids.

3. Define Love using each letter: L.O.V.E.

Living life to the fullest together
Obstacles bring us closer
Value one another
Express your affection on a daily basis

Have a lovely week everyone!



Heart of Rachel said...

Hi Karen. Congrats for being first this week.

I think it's wonderful that you celebrate your relationship all year long. Come to think of it, we really don't need a special occasion to show our love for our family. It's nice that you also give your children special gifts.

A few Valentine's ago I gave my Mom and mother-in-law a pendant with my son's face etched on it. They loved it very much.

I like the way your defined L.O.V.E. How true that obstacles somehow help stregthen the relationship.

Thanks for sharing. Advance Happy Valentine's Day!

Anonymous said...

Really liked your LOVE definition. :) Hope you have a great V-day!

Unknown said...

Hey Karen!
I always find the toughest thing about these holidays is answering that inevitable question, "So, what did you get Josh for VDay?" If only they'd have asked me what I got him on February 6, then I'd have an answer!

Have a great week!

sherle said...

I agree... your answers are great, especially the last one.